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Ambassador of Christ, Committed to the Local Church, Husband, Father, Disciple Maker, Chaplain, Airman, Air Commando.
Views do not represent the USAF

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

1 Samuel - The King Chosen by God

This entry is in the series of Thirty-Nine Reasons Jesus Came to Die, concerning the Book of First Samuel.

First Samuel records the prophetic ministry of Samuel, the transition from the time of judges to the time of kings, the calling and rejection of Saul as king, and the enmity which Saul has towards David. Within this book are many beautiful pictures of Christ; he is seen when David defeated Goliath with his own sword when Christ defeated death with death (1 Samuel 17:51). He is seen when Abigail (joy of the father) becomes the bride of David after her husband, a boorish, foolhardy, worldly man dies (1 Samuel 25:36-39); the church is seen in Abigail striving to see her family reconciled to the Messiah. Christ is evident when David goes out in order to rescue his bride and family who have been taken captive by the world (1 Samuel 30:18), and the grace of his victory is overflowing when all of David’s fellows partake in the spoils of the battle even if they weren’t involved in the battle (1 Samuel 30:24).

But the main point of First Samuel is that a king chosen by men will fall, but that a king chosen by God will stand, and that God is the true King of Israel (1 Samuel 12:12). Christ is that established and chosen king, of his kingdom there is no end.

Now behold the king whom you have chosen, for whom you have asked; behold, the LORD has set a king over you. But if you still do wickedly, you shall be swept away, both you and your king. – 1 Samuel 12:13,25

Grace to you and peace…from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. – Revelation 1:4-6