How many times have you heard someone share something merely because they were supposed to? They had no investment, no conviction, and probably didn’t even believe the message they were sharing?
I had a brand-new commander deliver a rebuke to their squadron a couple years ago; it was clear that the new commander didn’t know the context, the details, or the ramifications of what happened,
only that they were directed to deliver the message. It was vapid, empty, and
probably changed not a single mind that day, even though it was a necessary
Have you ever heard a someone offer a message or invocation
that had no meaning or backbone? I have, more times than I can count. So did
the followers of Jesus,
When Jesus finished saying these things, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes. ~ Matthew 7:28-29
Chaplain, you have the words of eternal life, they aren’t
yours, but you’d better believe them, share them, preach them, pray them, and
exhort them. When you pray, if the prayer isn’t interesting to you, it
certainly isn’t interesting to your audience. Paul said the reason he prayed
out loud was so that he could build up his hearers (1 Cor 14:16-17); Jesus said
something similar (John 11:42). When you speak, make sure it’s to build up
When you pray, make sure it’s a heartfelt and real prayer. When you speak, make sure it’s helpful and has the whole of heaven’s authority standing behind it. Paul exhorted Titus,
Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no-one disregard you” ~ Titus 2:15
1. Paul says that the Christian is an ambassador of Christ. What
is the measurement of a good ambassador? Isn’t it that the king is pleased with
the spirit and substance in which he shares the message?
2. Is your job to reap converts or faithfully share the message?
What happens if they don’t listen? Is it your fault, or theirs? Read 1
Thessalonians 4:8 and chew on it.
3. Referees in sports are paid to make definitive decisions and make authoritative judgement calls. Have you ever seen a timid umpire who makes unclear calls? What are some ways that referees can make a crowd mad? What are some ways a referee can get fired? Who gives that referee the authority to make game-changing calls?
4. Resources:
Ash, Christopher. The Priority of Preaching. Fearn,
Ross-shire: Christian Focus, 2009.
Mohler, R. Albert. He is Not Silent: Preaching in a
Postmodern World. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2008.