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Ambassador of Christ, Committed to the Local Church, Husband, Father, Disciple Maker, Chaplain, Airman, Air Commando.
Views do not represent the USAF

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Better Chaplain Series - Be a "No" Man

If 400 chaplains had already told your commander that his idea was great, would you disagree with him? What if it was a terrible idea, unrighteous, sure to start an unjust war, and in league with the forces of evil? What if standing against him cost you your comfort, earned you a large bruise on your face, and resulted in you spending the rest of your life in prison?

Do you know the story of Micaiah versus the prophets of Asherah? Take a moment to read 2 Chronicles 18:1-27 and consider what you'd do in his situation.

It's a chaplain's job to "advise leadership", to speak the truth to them even when the truth is going to make them mad. Micaiah's commander, Ahab, published his evaluation of Micaiah this way, "I hate him!" But Micaiah's advice, if heeded, would have saved the nation a great deal of trouble, and would have at least saved Ahab's life; perhaps even his soul.

Unfortunately for Ahab, Micaiah was vindicated and Ahab was buried, and Jehoshaphat likely had those 400 lying chaplains executed (my speculation extrapolated from 2 Chronicles 18:24 and 19:3); but was Micaiah ever released? Receive an apology? An award? We don't know.

Now, Chaplain, you likely won't face life or death for standing up for the truth. But you might. I exhort you like Mordecai in exhorting his daughter (adopted) to tell the king the truth, "Perhaps you've come into the chaplaincy for just such a time as this." Would you respond like Esther who prayed, fasted, asked others to pray, and then took her own life in her hands, "I will go to the commander, though it is against the law, and if I get reprimanded, I get reprimanded." (Esther 4:14-16)? Like them, you are standing up for the Word of Life.

You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. How will someone know the truth if everyone agrees with every decision they've ever made?

Hear, all you peoples! ~ Micaiah


1. In the Air Force our E-7's wear what we call a "roof" as a promotion stripe. The official term is a rocker, but our Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (SNCOs) take that "roof" seriously, protecting their Airmen from the ill-weather of impetuous decisions. Consider the consequences of agreeing with everything a leader says, even when there are sure to be dire consequences. Decide right now that you'll say no to horrible decisions, no matter what it costs you.

2. Jesus stood up to Pharisees, scribes, priests, governors, and kings. He declared the mission of his life, "For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world: to bear witness to the truth." If you want to be like Jesus (and I pray you do), then would it be faithful to live, "For this purpose I was born-again, and for this purpose I have been sent to the world: to bear witness to the truth."?

3. Can you think of others in the Bible who stood up to unrighteousness and sin? Was their goal to win arguments, or to speak truth in love? Do their examples and the ones I've shared stand up to the Proverb, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy."?

4. Have you ever asked for constructive criticism and received something like, "It was great.", "Just keep doing what you're doing.", "I loved it.", "You crushed it!" Was that helpful for your future growth? When you are asked for your opinion, give constructive criticism. Don't nit-pick, but be so involved that your input makes the whole collaboration better.

5. Resources:

Friel, Todd. Jesus Unmasked: The Truth Will Shock You. Woodstock, GA: New Leaf Publishing Group, 2014.

Trueblood, Elton. Abraham Lincoln: Theologian of American Anguish. New York: Harper & Row, 1973.

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