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Ambassador of Christ, Committed to the Local Church, Husband, Father, Disciple Maker, Chaplain, Airman, Air Commando.
Views do not represent the USAF

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Better Chaplain Series - No Drifting Allowed!

It's generally recommended for new commanders to come in first to observe, then to make changes over the coming weeks. You've probably heard a new commander say something like, "All standing orders remain in effect." There is wisdom in not coming in and tearing up all existing policies and decisions without knowing the why behind them.

But, without clear and decisive leadership, which way does an organization drift? The tendency is to get lax on regulations, and to become bloated with red tape, committees, and policies (often contradictory). Have you ever seen an organization drift into decency and order and efficiency?

There is a reason Jesus didn't say,

The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand! Become incrementally better and better until you've reached the goal, and work towards forward movement in the belief department. ~ Not Mark 1:15

One of the hardest parts of being a chaplain is the constant changes of assignment and station, but a true blessing in these moves is that you can evaluate whether you're holding to your first love, or if tradition and compromise have taken over your ministry.

But if you're caught in a downward drift (the only kind), there is still hope, as seen in the Conservative Resurgence of the Southern Baptist Convention 30 years ago, or the Wesleyan movement of the Methodist Church in the last ten years, the Downgrade Controversy that lost Charles Spurgeon many friends of 150 years ago, or the Reformation in the 1500s where many men and women shed their blood for the truth. Just because you've done it wrong in the past does not mean you have to do it wrong in the future.

But you won't drift there, you must make a radical repentant change to the truth.

You might say, "Brother Paul, if I stand up and say these things in my church they'll kill me." Then go die. ~ Paul Washer


1. Consider the ministries of Josiah and Nehemiah; did they slowly bring the nation back to the truth, or did they make major changes based on the Word of God? Can you think of other examples of clear decision leading to godliness either inside or outside of the Bible?

2. The International Missions Board of the Southern Baptist Convention called for churches not to ask, "What's wrong with what we're doing?" but to ask, "What is right with what we're doing?" Is it possible that you've been weighted down with all sorts of sins and traditions that beset so easily? Notice that in Hebrews 12:1 that it's not just sin to watch out for.

3. You'll lose friends for standing for the truth and cancelling unhelpful programs. Ask yourself Paul's question from Galatians 1:10, "Am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ."

4. Resources:

Murray, Iain H. The Forgotten Spurgeon. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1966.

Mohler, R. Albert. "Don't Just Do Something, Stand There." YouTube. Louisville, KY: The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, August 31, 1993. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OLHcCSgi2k

Luther, Martin. 95 Theses. Wittenburg: Castle Church Door, 1517.

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