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Ambassador of Christ, Committed to the Local Church, Husband, Father, Disciple Maker, Chaplain, Airman, Air Commando.
Views do not represent the USAF

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Fast Facts about Christmas

The etymology of Christmas derives from the Greek, “Christos” which means anointed, and the Olde-English, “mass” (massae), which means festival. Christmas is the festival celebrating the birth of the Lord's anointed, Jesus Christ.

Other names which Christmas has been celebrated under are the Feast of the Nativity (birth), Noel (birthday), and Advent (coming).

Early church history places the date of Christ’s birth at 6 January (Clement of Rome) or 25 December (Augustine of Hippo) 5 BC. Calendar errors in the seventh century account for the 5 year discrepancy.

Bethlehem, the city of David, is small among the clans of Judah, but out of here the King was promised.

The Old Testament contains over 300 direct prophecies for Jesus Christ, naming the place, method, and reason for his birth.

“Behold a virgin will be with child” was written more than 700 years before Mary was born. She is called blessed among women, and her song of praise is one of the most beautiful ever written, beginning with, “My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.”

Because Christ was born of Mary and of God, He is 100% God, and 100% man; the prophet Daniel (~600 BC) called Him both the Son of man, and the Son of God.

Jesus Christ has many names; Jesus derives from Jehovah-Yasha, which means, God Saves. Isaiah called Him Emmanuel, which means “God with us.” John of Patmos said His name is, “Righteous and True.” His is the name above every other name, the only name blessed forever.

Isaiah may have said it best with, For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The Father of Eternity, The Prince of Peace.

The Bible says Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but through Him the world might be saved. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already.

The 10 Commandments are a textual representation of Jesus Christ, he cannot lie(9), steal(8), covet(10), murder (or hate without cause)(6), commit adultery(or lust)(7); submission to parents is paramount(5), and especially that His primary concern(2) is His righteousness(1) and name(3), and in Him the Christian finds rest(4).

The 10 Commandments are also the standard of judgment for the human race. Have you ever told a lie? Stolen anything? Coveted something that didn’t belong to you? Called someone an idiot? Lusted after someone that wasn’t your spouse? Always obeyed your parents? Kept God first in your heart? Used the name of God only with respect? Given God one day out of your week?

Hark the Herald Angels Sing was written by Charles Wesley, it captures the reason for the season in, “Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled." Our transgression had not only separated us from God, but made us an enemy of God, and nothing we could do would redeem us.

Christmas is only celebrated because of what happened on Easter. On Easter, Jesus was sentenced to death for claiming to be God, a very serious offense. In this charge, He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities.

Proof of Christ's divinity exists in His miraculous resurrection from the dead; this event is one of the best testified to and recorded events in antiquity.

Jesus Christ never committed a single sin, but He became sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Jesus was born of the Spirit, while we are born of the flesh. He was adamant that lest you be born of the Spirit, you cannot enter the kingdom of God. This is also known as being born-again, or being baptized in the Holy Spirit; this is separate from being baptized in water and can only be accomplished by a supernatural work of God.

The first words Jesus proclaimed to the world were, “Repent and believe the Gospel.” This means to turn from sin, turn towards God, ask for forgiveness, and believe (trust) that Jesus Christ is who He says He is, and that His payment on the cross for your sins is sufficient.

Jesus' last command to the world was, "Be zealous therefore and repent!"

When Christ was born, the herald angel said, “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” This was important because heretofore God had a very bad will towards people, which will come to fruition in the unrepentant who step out of this world without receiving the Heaven-born Prince of Peace.

In the words of Go Fish, the beginning and the middle are both wonderful and great, but it’s the ending that can save you, and that’s why we celebrate.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Mitt Romney - About his father's business

In response to Mitt Romney's JFK speech on Dec 6th, 2007

I like the fact that Romney tried to condemn people that don't know or stand in what they believe, when in recent years he's flip-flopped on abortion, same-sex marriage, and gays in the military. He is jettisoning his beliefs in order to gain the world.

The inherent trouble with his speech is the constant referral to liberty, referencing it to the Founding Fathers and the country. They founded the liberty of the nation on the liberty they had found in Jesus Christ.

Mormons do not have this liberty, and thus cannot appreciate, understand, or continue to maintain American liberty. In George Orwell's "Animal Farm", the animals held fast to their freedom even in their absolute bondage.

Nothing is more clear in America's bondage than the desperate and boisterous call of, "We are free!" Nothing is more clear in Mitt Romney's bondage than his desperate and boisterous call, "every single human being is a child of God."

Not if you have ever told a lie. If you have told a lie, you have given your soul to the devil (You don't even get to say, "I'd sell my soul for...") and the Bible calls you a child who is of his father's desires, for he is a liar, and the father of lies. (John 8:44)

Romney's idolatry in his following of baal-jesus, a created, impotent, man-god proves who his owner is. He is doing the will of the devil by spreading this idolatry and calling out, peace, peace between God and man, when there is no peace. Romney's god would not send anyone to Hell, the main reason is because he doesn't exist. Romney has created a god in his image, one which he is comfortable with and one that works for him. Be assured that no idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ or of God.

For the captives, slaves to sin, dead in their transgressions; liberty is an idea which they can only dream of. It is something they have never felt nor possessed, and therefore cannot understand.

The Founding Fathers that Romney references knew this, but they knew first the captivity of the devil, but by the grace of God, they came to the liberty of Christ. They knew that Jesus Christ, the eternal, coexistent, coequal, Son of God, had paid the ransom for their life. They were owned by the devil and could do nothing to purchase themselves out of this bondage, their sins held them and they were doomed for disobeying their parents, creating their own representation of God, stealing, no matter how petty, lust, hatred without provocation, and coveting. But Christ lived a perfect life and willingly gave Himself up to die on the cross so that His blood could wash these sins away and that many would be purchased out of their spiritual bondage to eternal liberty.

When they repented of their sins and placed their trust in Jesus Christ, they were born of the Spirit. They were originally children of the devil, but they were adopted into the family of God. They were captives, but they were liberated.

They became members of the church of Jesus Christ, which He purchased with His own blood. The Mormon Church is not so bought, because they are trying to purchase this church themselves with their works. George Whitefield, a friend of the Founding Fathers, summed up the difference between the heretical Mormon Church and the grace of Jesus Christ, "Works! Works! A man get to Heaven by works? I'd as soon climb to the moon on a rope of sand."

The Apostle Paul tells us how we are saved, "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9

James tells us that you can tell someone is saved by their works, not by their profession of faith. Romney was a proponent of babycide, he didn't understand the sanctity or symbolism of marriage, he didn't understand the damage that homosexuals in the military would cause. He has changed his opinion, and that is good, but he was a Mormon when he believed these evil things, and he is a Mormon now. There was no rebirth, there was no change of heart, and there was no conversion.

Beloved, when you repent and place your faith in Jesus Christ, your sinful heart which drinks iniquity like water will be replaced with a heart for God that thirsts after righteousness. Things you used to love which God hates, you will now hate, and things of God which you used to hate, you will now love.

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." - 2 Corinthians 5:17

This is not Mitt Romney, and if he becomes president in his spiritual captivity, you can be assured that he will be about his father's business.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Holy-Days

In Responce to On-Faith's question, Why are many holiday family gatherings marked by tension and unhappiness?


I've spent Thanksgiving apart from my family in England, France, Sicily, the Middle East, and now, the East Coast. I've eaten all sorts of things for Thanksgiving dinner, in Palermo I ordered camel, in Paris, the closest they could get to turkey was squab, and we just decided to drink Thanksgiving Dinner in England, after all, it was a four-day weekend. I've been served Thanksgiving dinner by Muslims, eaten it with atheists, Buddhists, and Christians, had it brought to me in a Styrofoam box as I rewired the countermeasures set on an F-15. Probably my worst memory is the pumpkin pie in Qatar, it was so processed and old that my plastic fork shattered in the process of trying to eat it. But I was thankful that I had people to care about, and people that cared about me in each place.

It puts a whole new perspective on things when the most you have to worry about is if everyone is pulling their own weight in getting the meal ready. We should ask ourselves, "What did Jesus do?"

Lets go see, the date is AD 28, the town is Bethany. Jesus and his disciples are welcomed into the home of His good friend, Lazarus, and his two sisters, Mary and Martha. Martha is busy with serving, and is visibly upset that Mary is content to sit and hear the amazing teachings of Jesus. Martha consults Jesus, she reprimands Jesus, "Do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone! Tell her to help me!"

But Jesus answered, "Martha, you are anxious and troubled by many things, when only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen this thing, and it shall not be taken away from her."

The greatest Commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. If you do this, everything else will follow. The next time we see Mary and Martha, in AD 30, they both have jobs to do and are content with their roles, and the result is much rejoicing at dinner.

Now, of course, this rejoicing may have been spurred on by the fact that they now knew that death had lost its sting, that the Messiah had come and would indeed take away the sins of the world.

How many of us are guilty of placing the creation above the Creator? Martha sought to please her guests by her own doing, by serving an impeccable meal, which was sure to impress everyone. When it wasn't going the way she expected, she got angry, and the meal was almost ruined. But Mary was content to trust in God, not to strive to please men, but only to please God, and she was rewarded for this.

How many of us are guilty of wanting just a little more? When God gives us enough, we want just a little more? How many of us have come to this Thanksgiving and wish we could have afforded that new car this year, or are disgusted that we couldn't buy an X-Box because gas prices drained our wallets? What an insult it must be to God, who has given us life, knowledge, breath, love, food, and this beautiful country, that we would say it's not enough, could I have just a little more?

We've succumbed to the fallacy of equality, that I am at least as good as everyone else and therefore I deserve to be happy, to have a new car, and to have an X-Box. Martha was working hard and believed that it was only fair that if she was working hard, Mary should be working hard. After all, she set herself up as the measurement of how much ought to be being done.

But just how good are we? The Bible says "there is none good," then in order to drive the point home, it finishes the sentence, "no, not one." How much do we deserve? Job tells us, "Know that God exacts of you less than your guilt deserves." What guilt? I don't have any guilt...or do I?

Have you ever taken God's name in vain? The Bible is clear that God will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain.

Have you ever committed adultery? Jesus said, "Whosoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery already with her in his heart." The Old Covenant punishment for adultery was instant death, today you get a few more years before the wages of sin are exacted upon you.

The truth is, we're all going to die someday, just like a criminal waiting to see the judge, we are in a holding cell. On this beautiful Thanksgiving we should be grateful that our holding cell is so huge and has such a beautiful blue ceiling and wonderful fresh air, but be assured of this, Alcatraz and San Quentin have nothing on this holding cell, because no one has escaped yet.

When you stand before the just Judge of all the Universe, how will you plead? The book of your conscience has recorded every thought, word, and deed, and it will be opened by your prosecutor. Deeds done in darkness will be brought to the light; every idle word will require an account.

Your guilt is assured, the evidence is overwhelming. What will you say? I have done good deeds? Good deeds do not commute sentences on earth, and they will not help in front of the Great White Throne in Heaven, at best the Judge will ignore this insult, at worst He will multiply your sentence for trying to bribe Him.

Will you repent and ask for forgiveness? To what avail? The Judge will say that your repentance is good, you should be sorry, you've done terribly wicked things to the detriment of all of humanity and creation, but the punishment requires payment. The Judge reads your sentence:

"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the fornicators, the adulterers, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death."

This punishment is almost assured, but here is the Good News, the eternal reason to be thankful. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, was born of the Spirit through the virgin Mary. He lived a perfect sinless life, He was tempted but He didn't succumb, He was perfect in every way. Love hath no greater man than this, that he would lay down his life for his brethren. Not that you loved Him, but that He loved you, Jesus Christ willingly gave Himself up to be crucified in your stead. Your fine was amassed, Hell awaited, but Christ stepped in and took your lashes, and died in your place so that you can be absolved.

Now the Judge can look at you and say, it is good that you have repented, and because your fine is paid, you are free to go.

Today as we remember what we are thankful for, I am thankful that I didn't get justice, because justice is what I deserved. I am thankful that I received mercy, because mercy is not getting what I deserved. But I am the most thankful for grace, that I get what I don't deserve, that being the righteousness of Christ attributed to my sake, so that when God looks at me, He no longer sees an enemy, but an adopted child.

Mary and Martha were rejoicing that death had been defeated, Jesus Christ first showed that this was possible by raising their brother Lazarus, but made it permanent by raising Himself on the third day, He defeated death and will live forevermore, and so will we if we will approach the throne of grace in humility, and repentance, and absolute trust.

On this beautiful Thanksgiving, I ask that you don't let another day go by without being reconciled to your Creator. He has provided the means, please reach out and receive this gift which was purchased at such a price. I cannot promise you that after you are born into the family of God, that you encounter prosperity or persecution, but I will bet that your Thanksgivings and Christmas' take on a whole new meaning after you do.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Letter to a Pagan Nation

To the godless, the heathens, and the willfully ignorant,

God will ultimately do the judging, not me. But I am the watchman, calling out that the sword is coming, that God is going to be judging you in righteousness, either on the day of your death, or when He returns.

He has given me the keys to the kingdom, the authority to say who is going to Heaven and Hell.

If you are a good person, then rest assured, you will go to Heaven. That is why it is so imperative that you are a good person.

God is going to judge you against perfection, against Himself.

He demands that you have at your core the love of Him and righteousness. But Paul tells us that none seeks after God.

Combined within having Him at your core, He forbids making up a god to suit yourself. This god can be money, science, or yourself, but it can also be making up a god that looks like God, but one that won't judge you based on these criteria of righteousness, or send someone to Hell.

The Bible tells us in several places that God's name is above every other name, it is the only name that is blessed forever. God will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain. Consider that no-one ever says, "Allah Damnit!" Or screams out "Sidartha Buddha" when they hit their thumb with a hammer. The reason being, these names are already cursed, and you cursing them doesn't matter. But we declare our hatred of God that we try to drag His name into the mud by using it in place of a four-letter filth word.

Paul warns us about loving the creation more than the Creator. God asks for one day out of our week to remember Him, are you giving Him that one day, or just a portion of it? He is asking for less than 15% of your week, and most people won't even give Him that. Consider that God executed Ananias and Sapphira for withholding this portion of their lives from Him after they said they had given all.

The Fifth Commandment demands that we obey our parents (contained in this is that they are commanded to obey the other nine Commandments), and by dishonoring God, we dishonor our creator and our parents.

God considers all life precious, and He says, "Thou Shalt Not Murder." Most of us (not me) have not removed the gift of life from someone. But consider this, that 1 John 3:15 says that if you hate someone without cause, then God considers you a murderer at heart. He is going to judge the intentions of the heart, and not just the actions.

You have heard it said of old, "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery." But Jesus says to you, "Whosoever looks upon a person to lust after them, has committed adultery with them already in their heart."

At what value does petty larceny turn into grand-theft? What have you stolen, maybe a song on the internet? A toy from a sibling? Time from your employer? Or air from God?

Did you know that the Bible says that all liars will have their place in the lake of fire? How many lies, and I'm not talking about discretion here, do you need to tell to be a liar? I only needed to murder one person to be deemed eternally a murderer. (I'm covered from man's laws by the Geneva Convention and that the non-combatants were in the wrong place at the wrong time as they tried to be a human shield for some Al-Qaeda leaders, but not from God's Law) A person only needs to rape one girl to forever be called a rapist. One lie makes you a liar, and lying lips are an abomination to the Lord. Out of the mouth, the heart professes.

In light of the criteria above, do you think God owes you anything? When you covet things, whether they be happiness, money, people, or possessions, you are telling God that what He has given you is not enough.

These are God's standards of judgment; consider yourself warned. The cup of His wrath abides on you, all that is keeping you safe is His patience and offer for reprieve. But this patience will not last forever, on that day your life on this earth will be snuffed out, and you will stand before the Judgment Seat of God. You will stand naked before God, your shame exposed, the book of your conscience opened. What will you say? I wasn't warned? You have been, and I'll bet this letter is not the first time.

Jesus Christ described Hell in more detail than Heaven. It is a place of eternal torment, where the fire is never quenched and the worm dieth not. There is wailing and gnashing of teeth! The fire is unique to Hell, because even though it burns hot enough to melt sulfur, it is not a consuming fire, it is specially formulated to inflict pain. This fire also does not give off light, because Hell is a place of infinite darkness. This is telling, because God is light, and if Hell is totally dark, then God is NOT there, you will forever be separated from all of the graces of God, including love, joy, peace, and comfort. The Bible says God is the foundation we stand on, but because He is not in Hell, the person in Hell will forever feel the sense of falling, like that gut feeling you have when you miss a stair in the dark, you will forever have this sensation. God holds you in His hand like a spider suspended over the fire. In every way you disgust Him and like a spider biting at the hand, so is your transgressions tempting God to tip you, at this moment, into the fire.

But God is patient, that the gavel of your eternity has not fallen means there is still time to get right with Him. But here is even more bad news. You cannot bribe God. Let me take you to an earthly courtroom, where there are ten clear evidences of your guilt, and the punishment is execution. Try telling the judge that you have done heaps of good in your life, you've given to charity, never killed anyone, been physically faithful to your spouse, you've prayed daily, and always try to be nice to people. These are all nice things, but they are irrelevant to your guilt and the sentence that is due. You are trying to put a fresh bandage on a gaping wound, and blood and the puss of sin soils your works.

But here is love, not that you loved God, but that He loved you, He gave His Son to be the payment for your fine. You angered God and earned the sentence of eternal torment, which only by the pleasure of God has not yet been carried out on you.

Jesus Christ, one of the eternal Persons of the Trinity, God manifest in the flesh, came to this world born of the Spirit through the virgin Mary. He lived a perfect life, submissive to His Father in every way. He was tempted in every way possible way by the father of lies, but He didn't succumb. He was the only man ever to live that deserved Heaven, but in order to glorify His Father and save you from the wrath you had amassed, Jesus Christ willingly gave Himself up to pay your fine. He took the wrath of His Father and was beaten in the most heinous of ways, men died from lesser beatings than the one Christ took. Then He was hung on the cross at Calvary. He didn't only shoulder your sin, but the Bible says that He who knew no sin was made sin for you. God gazed down on His most precious Son and saw only filth, refuse, and malice. Our entire sin; past, present, and future, went to the cross and was crucified in Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that He was forsaken by His Father, the eternal Trinity was rent in twain and when Christ was separated from the Father, your sin was separated from the Father.

You can be forgiven, because your fine has been satisfied. Jesus Christ's first words to the world were, "Repent and Trust!" This is precisely what you need to do, you must turn from your sins, call out to God for forgiveness, and place your faith in Jesus Christ to save you from the wrath you so rightly deserve. You will be forgiven, not because of anything you have done, but because Christ did all of the work and your debt is stamped, "Paid in Full."

If that wasn't good enough news, on the third day Christ rose from the grave and defeated death. Death has lost its sting; to be absent with the body is now to be present with the Lord.

I have no ulterior motive other than to see you saved and God glorified. I don't care if the United States survives past 2010, whether it is a Christian nation or a pagan commonwealth of the European Union. I would be out of a job, but I don't care, I do not seek to please men but only to glorify God. What glorifies God is you calling out to Him to save you, and Him being exalted for His goodness and kindness and patience and saving you and me despite our complete depravity and hatred of Him.

Consider this forgiveness long and hard, repent and trust in the Saviour right now. As I pointed out, every transgression tips his hand closer to the fire, we are stealing air from Him, and His patience could run out at any moment. 150,000 people die every day, and 149,000 of them thought they would see tomorrow.

A minister of the Most High God,
Canyon Shearer

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Open Air Gospel Sermon - Short

Good for Street Corners
Appoximate Delivery Time - 90-120 Seconds

Excuse me everyone! If I could have your attention for just a moment!

We’re all going to stand before God someday, and because I care about you, I want to make sure you’re ready for that day. Most people would say they’re a good person, but they’re comparing themselves to other people, when they need to compare themselves to God, to perfection. Let's see how you look in God's eyes.

If you’ve ever taken God’s name in vain, then God sees you as a blasphemer, and this you know, that no blasphemer will see the kingdom of God.

If you’ve ever told a lie, then God sees you as a liar, and all liars will have their place in the lake of fire!

If you’ve ever stolen anything, then God sees you as a thief. If you’ve ever hated anyone, then God sees you as a murderer. If you’ve ever looked at someone that wasn’t your spouse with lust, then God sees you as an adulterer.

Your conscience bears witness to your transgession, it has recorded every time you haven’t obeyed your parents, every time you have coveted something, every time you knew something wasn’t right and did it anyways, and every time you could have stopped something bad from happening and didn’t.

The wages of sin is death, we have amassed the punishment of Hell, all that stands between us and everlasting torment is the day of our death, it is appointed once for a man to die, and then the judgment.

But God doesn’t want you to go to Hell. He gave us His only begotten Son, so that whosoever trusts in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, gave Himself up to die in your place on the cross. He took your punishment so that you can be absolved on Judgment Day, then He rose from the grave and defeated our greatest enemy, death.

Repent of your sins and turn towards the Saviour, and you will see Heaven, not because you’re a good person, but because you’re a bad person forgiven by a good God.

Please think about this, don't let another day go by without calling out to God for forgiveness.

Thank you for listening, have a nice day.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Beseech the angel of Smyrna

The United States was founded under the care of the angel of the church of Philadelphia, faithful to the word, supported by God; even though the founders had no power, God opened the door, and no man was able to shut it, not the King of England, not the Native American chiefs, not even Satan could shut the door which was opened.

America was made a pillar of God, a city on a hill, on her was written the name of God, and many were saved.

But the church in America forgot her first love, and the ravages of sin entered the doors. The angel of the church of Thyatira took possession of the American church, within her doors, sin festered and no-one opposed it. The sorceries of prosperity, tolerance, and of evolution were introduced and embraced, and the church fell sick and any who entered were afflicted; her children were stricken dead.

The angel of Thyatira conceded America to the Laodicean angel, in the churches, Christ could not be found. Behold, He stood at the door and knocked, but no saint was there to open the door.

Today we are on the verge of another change, the angel of Sardis stands at the door and knocks, God is about to open the door. The churches that walk in white in America can be counted on one hand, what remains is about to die.

Pray God that instead, He gives us to the angel at Smyrna.
Pray God that Christianity is outlawed by the humanists.
Pray God that Hillary Clinton is elected and the persecution begins.
Pray God that hate-speech laws are passed and enforced.
Pray God that Christians preaching against homosexuality are thrown into prison.
Pray God that Christians who refuse to deny their Saviour are murdered in the streets.
Pray God that Dan Barker is syndicated all over the nation and hatred for Christians spreads.
Pray God that the world hate us as it first hated Him.

Pray God that the blood of martyrs be the seed of the church.
Pray God that He bring us through the fire.

Pray God for the angel of the church at Smyrna.

Lest we become the church at Sardis, dead with the reputation of being alive.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Not Forsaken me?

In remembrance of the events on 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, the following was in responce to Dr. Susan Brooks Thistelwaite, an unsaved UCC minister:

Where was God on 9/11? Saving the lives of over 48,000 people, using the devastation that we bring to this world to turn it for good, that many are saved, as they are today. On a normal Tuesday morning the Twin Towers contained roughly 50,000 people, not counting surrounding buildings and people on the street. That day 48,000 of them were running late. 96% of people that were supposed to be at work were not.

Abraham pleaded with God, if you find 50 righteous people, please do not destroy Sodom.

God agreed, if I find 50 righteous people, Sodom will be spared.

God lowered the number so that if He could find only 10 righteous people in Sodom, the city would be spared.

We know today from archaeological evidence that Sodom was destroyed by a simultaneous meteor shower, earthquake, and volcano. Where was God on that day? He was raining shrapnel down on Sodom.

"God, if you find 10 righteous people in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, please do not destroy it."

The question here is whether or not you think you are righteous.

Have you ever told a lie? God says that lying lips are an ABOMINATION, that all liars will have their place in the lake of fire.

Have you ever killed anyone? Jesus said that if you hate someone or call them an idiot, you are in danger of judgment as a murderer.

Have you kept the name of God holy? Calling out, "Oh My God!" in a callous and flippant way is called blasphemy and the Bible says that God will not hold him blameless that takes His name in vain.

The one that got me, Have you ever committed adultery? Jesus said, "Whosoever looks at a woman to lust after her has committed adultery already with her in his heart." God is concerned with the intentions of the heart and not just when you act on them.

There was not a righteous man found in New Orleans, not on the Gulf Coast, not in the Twin Towers, so we should not be surprised at all that God did not divinely stop those catastrophes. We should rather wonder why we don't see more, why we have been thus far successful in thwarting the major terrorist plots of the world, why natural disasters don't occur every where, every day.

I am comforted that not a single person died in these events that would not die eventually. It is appointed once for a man to die, and then the judgment.

If you face God today, would He be justified in sentencing you to Hell? The Book of your Conscience has recorded every thought, word, and deed and it will be opened as you are prosecuted. What will you offer as defense?

God knew that there was no loophole or attorney you could find to save you, but because He loved you, not that you loved Him, He became manifest in the flesh as the man Jesus Christ, where He lived a perfect, sinless, blemish-free life and offered Himself up as the payment for your sins on the cross at Calvary. You broke the law and He paid your fine.

When you stand before the Judge of the Universe, you can be absolved of your transgressions because your fine has been paid. The only requirement is that you repent of your sins, in other words turn from sin and thirst after righteousness. Once you have done this you will know that you are forgiven, you will be born-again into the family of God, an event as substantial as the first time you were born into the world.

As death and destruction come your way, you will not wonder why God allows it to happen, but rather why He has postponed the inevitable and most importantly, why He would see fit to save a wretch like you, that while many were dying you were given the opportunity to repent or perish.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Favorite Bible Passage

The following is a responce to Brian McLaren's favorite Bible passage, the Sermon on the Mount (namely the pieces that agree with him).

I am always weary of the chapter/verse break-ups in Scripture, as they are not God-ordained and in several occurences quite poorly placed. For example, see the breakups between Hebrews 4,5,6 and especially the breakup between Genesis 1,2. Certain verses seem like they can stand on their own, like John 3:16, but we have seen a cult grow out of that beautiful verse because it has been taken without context.

So it is difficult for me to choose a few verses or even a passage to call my favorite. When I think of one, such as the passage of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16), I realize that it needs the context of the rest Bible in order for me to exposit on it.

While Ephesians 2:8-9 are a succint summation of soteriology, without the accompanying chapter 2 and the entire letter to the Ephesians, it is hard to know if you can understand the intended meaning.

Paul beautifully gives a brief summation of the Gospel in the beginning of Galatians, but as Paul is wont to do, he backs up the beginning with the rest of the letter.

I could go on and on, Acts 12, Luke 18, Genesis 3, Genesis 1, Genesis 6, Job 40...insert also the other 1183 chapters of the Bible.

There is one passage that I feel is a beautiful command, it does not contain the full Gospel or strong basis for theology, but it is written to the saints and is one of the most powerful verses in scripture. It is found at the end of Chapter 2 in the 2nd letter to a Pastor named Timothy, Paul's last Epistle.

"And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will."

This passage could consume the mind for days if not weeks if not months. The theological themes written into it are as deep or as shallow as you look. I will do my best to summarize it in a pithy article without losing too much.

The beginning is not particularly important to unbelievers, but lays out a lifetime of growth for the child of God. The most important phrase in this verse for unbelievers is "oppose themselves".

This is similar to when Christ asked Saul of Tarsus why he kicked against the prods, symbolizing Saul as a beast of burden prodded forward but being stubborn. Saul's Rabbinical teaching and his knowledge of God's Law should have driven him towards repentance and the Messiah, but his pride kept him opposing himself and his knowledge.

These Law's are still in place today, they were written in stone and are unchanging. Ask yourself if you kick against the prods,
-Have you ever told a lie? If so, then God sees you as a Liar.
-Have you ever taken something that didn't belong to you? If so, then God sees you as a thief.
-Have you ever taken God's name in vain? If so, then you are a blasphemer and God will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain.
-Have you ever committed adultery? Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, "Whosoever looks with lust has committed adultery already in their heart."
-Have you ever looked with lust? God sees this as adultery of the heart. He is concerned with the intentions of the heart, not just the actions.
-Have you ever killed anyone? Similarly Jesus said that if you are angry at someone, you are in danger of just as much judgment as if you had murdered them.

These are just five of the 10 Immutable Commandments. If you have broken them then the Bible says that your punishment is Hell. To quote one verse, Revelation 21:8 relegates lawbreakers to the fire, ending in "all liars will have their place in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone."

It is the God's servants' duty to attempt to show you the truth of this impending judgment; that there is none good but God, that whoever says they have no sin is a liar, and does not have the Truth abiding in them.

The Bible is adamant that if you have not been purchased into the family of God, then you are a child of the devil, a child of wrath. A popular colloquialism is "I would sell my soul to the devil for..." But this verse in 2nd Timothy informs us that our soul is not ours to sell, that it has been freely given to the devil through transgression. Not only so, but in our unbelief and acquiescing from the truth, we do the will of the devil, which is to keep souls from being redeemed to God.

The beauty of this passage lays in the middle. "That God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth." There is a way to life, even after all of the damage we have done to God's creation and kingdom with our transgressions and pride.

Paul tells us that there is a repentance that leads to life. If you'll approach God with sorrow for transgressing His laws, confess every sin you can remember, and cry out to Him for mercy, He will forgive you, because He can, because He will lead you to a knowledge of the Truth.

The Truth being that God became manifest in the flesh, as the man Jesus Christ, He was born of a virgin and lived a perfect, sinless life. He was tempted but He didn't succumb, He was beaten but He didn't break. He offered Himself up on a false charge to be the propitiation for our sins. He hadn't earned a single lash of the whip, but took your punishment upon Himself. He was hung on a cross outside of Jerusalem, a punishment so heinous that it was soon outlawed. Upon that cross He suffered not only earthly pain, but the pain of being abandoned by His Father in Heaven. His death paid the debt that our sins had amassed.

Pray to God that He grant you repentance leading to the knowledge that in Christ's death you are absolved, you are redeemed, you are forgiven.

And it will be so.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Save the Babies

I really got mad at a pro-death article tonight, so I'm venting and hoping that somehow this blog serves to save at least one life. This is the greatest apologetic I've ever heard against abortion...and I don't know who to attribute it to, whoever wrote it probably won't mind if you and I use it:

Women have rights. You will rarely find someone to disagree with you, and people that support abortion often flee to the rights of women. These are the very same rights as men. As Mr. Jefferson put it so well, the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of property and happiness.

But the question is, when do those rights come to fruition? I believe it is when a woman becomes a woman.

I believe a woman becomes a woman and earns all of the same rights as a man at the age of 18.

No, I'm kidding. Actually it's younger, 13.

You probably still don't agree; I am still being coy.

She has the same rights as a man the moment she becomes a woman.

When is that? Conception; two X chromosomes get together and she earns the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of property and happiness.

If you want to deprive this precious little girl of any of her rights, well then thats between you and God.

When I heard that the first time, I was amazed at how clear and persuasive this argument is. People that really hate God will still be able to find a way around it, but it is aimed at the tenderhearted.

But I can't leave it at that. If you have had an abortion, God will forgive you, Jesus has washed our entire past, and God the Comforter will grant you peace. In almost all occasions, sanctification is the greatest news, but not necessarily so in this case, if you'll read 2 Samuel 12:16-24, we have hope that this wonderful baby will be awaiting your arrival in Heaven. As David put it, "I shall go to him," and you will be reunited, but even more beautiful, Jesus called the little ones, "angels that always see the face of my Father in Heaven." (Matt 18:10)

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Purpose of this Blog

When my friend and brother in Christ, David Wheaton, suggested I start a blog, my first reaction was...what would I write in it? At the time I was (still am) internet preaching at the Washington Post, leeching off of their readership of unregenerate wrong(left)-wingers in hopes that one or all of them come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

It was during one of these preaching events that I realized I needed an archive to fall back on for common questions that came up. Such as the sinfulness of sin, the religion of evolution, the Garden of Eden, works righteousness, total depravity, and lately I've been using this blog to record various open-air and rough-drafts of church sermons.

I am not very interesting, and I have no agenda seperate than saving souls. I wish this blog could be more loving, but it is not geared towards my brethren (brothers and sisters) in Christianity, but rather towards the unregenerate. As some of my church-family have begun to read this blog, as well as believing friends and those from Adventures in Christianity (adventuresinchristianity.com), I've been debating turning this blog more towards believers...but I have scrapped this idea because while edification of the saints is important, this is an outreach blog and not for edification. This is my personality, while I love to fellowship as well as comforting believers, my calling is seeking and saving the lost, the Lazarus' of the world (See Luke 16).

Even still, I don't want to abandon my Sanctified readers, so in the upcoming weeks I am going to write a few entries on sharing your faith. Sharing your faith is not a gift, there is no such thing as the gift of evangelism, and if there were, I wouldn't have it. Rather there is a COMMAND for evangelism, and God has given us the secret weapon, called the conscience, and most Christians don't know how to use it.

It is my hope that I can share the operating parameters of this weapon and still maintain an evangelon blog.

Thanks for reading, I never expected to have a recurring readership, I expected heathens either seeking living water or trampling pearls.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Pop Quiz, Hotshot

1. I have kept the Lord 1st in my heart.
2. I have not worshipped money, nature, or idols.
3. I have never used the Lord's name in vain.
4. I have always honored the Sabbath Day.
5. I listen to my parents without fail.
6. I have never felt hatred in my heart.
7. I have only pure thoughts about beautiful people.
8. I have never stolen anything, even music.
9. I am truthful in every statement I make.
10. I have never craved the possessions of others.

Count the "True" statements, each "True" gets 1 point;
Print your points below:

Score __/10

Now convert your score to a percentage:

100% is a Pass
90% or less is a Fail

If you failed, it won't keep you from graduating to the next grade, or from earning your degree; this is the acceptance exam for Heaven, a failing grade is your condemnation to Hell. These questions are based on the 10 Commandments, the foundation of God’s judgment of righteousness.

Your fate is written in the Bible when it says, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

Extra Credit Question
11. God sent His only begotten Son to die on the cross for my sins, so that I might be forgiven. What is asked of me to receive this forgiveness is to Repent of (turn from) my sins, and Trust in Jesus Christ to wash my sins away and deliver me into Heaven.

Repent and Trust, and the following verse will be true for you:
"but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."
-1 Corinthians 6:11

Friday, July 27, 2007

Answers in Genesis is Winning

In the beginning was the Word, then pseudoscientists told us it couldn't be trusted and introduced an unscientific hypothesis which is nothing more than religion, and full of holes (holy?).

In 1859 Charles Darwin introduced his hypothesis through the work, "The Origin of Species", as a christianist minister, Darwin knew the ramifications of kicking Genesis in the leg...the rest would topple. Christianity is surrounded by trinitarian assemblies, we have a Triune God, we have a body, mind(soul), and spirit, and we have three distinct ages in History; preflood, postflood/pre-Christ, and post-Christ. Christianity stands on Creation, Conscience, and Grace. This is an extremely stable foundation, but if one is removed, the others cannot support the load. Humanists are sawing through the conscience leg now, but at current our big problem is that Creation has been compromised.

In 1960, a century after the Origin of Species, Creationists struck back with the first of many books on Creation. Evolution had a 101 year head start, but we have the Truth on our side.

Ken Ham, originally an Australian, began his ministry in 1970. This ministry today is called Answers in Genesis and they recently opened their Creation Museum just outside of Cincinnati. The grand opening was protested by extremely hateful and angry agnostics claiming to be atheists, but despite that, their museum has proved to be a hit.

They recently posted a press release announcing they had crossed the 100,000 visitor mark in seven weeks. Between 1800-2200 people visit daily, and are treated to a gorgeous display of dinosaurs, the Garden of Eden, and hundreds of scientific facts supporting the Creation Theory and destroying the evolution hypothesis.

Of my limited readership, all three or four of you, if you are active duty military then entrance into the museum is free, but it is reasonably priced otherwise.

Please pray for Ken and his wife Mally, and the entire team at Answers in Genesis. God has blessed their ministry abundantly, but as such they are faced with some of the harshest persecution in the free world. When the religion of evolution is only a memory, AiG will be credited as being a decisive force in fixing the Creation leg that Darwin broke; not just fixing it, but making it infinitely stronger.

In the words of AiG, Prepare to Believe.

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Offense of the Cross

There is a great deal of unbiblical preaching for Christians to share the Gospel in love, peace, and humility, and to not be offensive. ‘We don’t need to offend someone or tell them they’re going to Hell, just tell them 'God loves YOU, Jesus died for YOU.'’ Oh!!! It makes me so mad! I don’t read my Bible as often as a I should, but I don’t fault people for not reading theirs as often as I read mine, as long as they're reading it. But I would think that if my spouse wrote me 66 letters bearing soul, mind, body, and intentions, I would at least glance at them to see what they say. My favorite Bible Verse(not because it’s all lovey-dovey, but because it contains the whole counsel of God) at the top of this page instructs us to share the Gospel in love, peace, and humility, but it says exactly the opposite of not being offensive.

When you preach the truth to the unregenerate, you are preaching directly in opposition to their nature, a nature which they’ve grown to love and one which defines them; telling them they’re wrong is going to be offensive. If that wasn’t bad enough, verse 26 tells us we’re arguing with agents of satan himself.

Paul never intended for us to be inoffensive, another of my favorite verses says "For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles." (1 Cor 1:22-23)

Earlier in his ministry he called preaching, "The offense of the cross." (Gal 5:11)

The Cross is offensive, it attacks your self-righteousness, sets your conscience ablaze, and demands that you repent or perish.

In order to rescue your soul from the doom of Hell, your God had to subject Himself to the broken and diseased world of earth, where He lived a perfect example of faith, obedience, righteousness, and love; but His pointing out of faults was so offensive to the Pharisees that they KILLED Him for it.

God takes sin very seriously, He counts lust as adultery (Matt 5:28), hatred as murder (1 John 3:15), lying lips are an abomination (Prov 12:22), and all of these will be thrown into the lake of fire. (Rev 21:8)

Our sin was upon Christ at the Cross, He bore our burden in love, He had no burden of His own to carry and carried ours solely so we could be rectified and God could be glorified. By me preaching to you that Christ carried your sin to the Cross, then that implies that you have sin, and not only so, but a great deal of it. Christ paid for your sin in His own life's blood, so that where sin increases, grace abounds all the more.

Repent of your sins, cease your transgressions, apologize to God for wrongdoing, and turn towards righteousness, and then place your full trust in the atoning work of Christ on the Cross. If you do these things, God will forgive you, your sinful heart will be replaced with a new heart, and you will be reborn into the family of God. Not because you are a good person, but because you are a bad person whose sins have already been to the Cross, and you have been forgiven by a good God.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Gospel According to Mohammed

Islam means “Submission to God”, as God has told us, “The Lord lifts up the humble; he casts the wicked to the ground. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

So the submissive will indeed go to Heaven, as long as they submit to God’s will.

One verse that jumps instantly to mind is, “This is the will of God: Your sanctification,” God’s will includes demonstrating His righteousness, having upright followers, and that justice be done; but the most important from our earthly standpoint is that wrongdoers are rectified to Him, “he commands all men everywhere to repent."

Islam is in majority alignment with the Biblical understanding of Heaven and Hell; I think this is illustrated nicely in Surah 43 (Adornments), verses 70-77. Heaven is nice, and Hell is hot and eternal.

Where Christianity and Islam divide is how to get to Heaven; but how to get to Hell is the same in both religions.

Surah 43:74 tells us that “Sinners will be in the punishment of Hell, to dwell there forever.

Surah 83 speaks of our conscience, the Sijjin, a register fully inscribed that will be open on the Day of Judgment; woe to the sinner, his conscience records his wrongdoings.

God knows the secret thought life, and has appointed a Judgment Day for all mankind. The Koran accepts Moses as a prophet and the Law of the 10 Commandments which were given to him. “God gave Moses the Scripture and the Criteria between right and wrong.” – Al-Baqara 2:53

If all sinners will have their punishment in Hell, it’s in our best interest to find out if we’re sinners.

Answer these questions truthfully and you’ll know:

Have you ever told a lie? What does that make you?
If I rape one girl, I’m a rapist, if I murder one person, I’m a murderer. A single lie makes me a liar. The Koran says to, “Invoke the curse of God on those who lie!” – Al-Imran 3:61
The Bible promises that all liars will have their place in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone.

Have you ever stolen anything? What does that make you?
Both the Koran and Bible have very strict punishments for thieves. Maida 5:38 tells us, “As to the thief, cut off his or her hand(s).

Have you always kept the Sabbath?
The Koran demands that you remember God on Friday, leaving off business and travel. – Assembly 62:9
Whosoever does any work on the Sabbath, he will surely be put to death. This is in order to make sure you worship the Creator above creation.

Have you ever worshipped money, power, science, or possessions above God?
Let not your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of God. If any act thus, the loss is their own.” – Hypocrites 63:9
This you know, no idolater will see the kingdom of God.

Have you committed adultery?
The prophet Jesus said, “Whosoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery already with her in his heart.
The Koran is clear, “Do not come near to adultery: for it is a shameful deed and an evil, opening the road to other evils.” – Israelites 17:32
Clearly “coming near to adultery” is the same as Jesus taught, that a lust-filled glance is seen by God as shameful. Take note that the word for adultery in Arabic is sometimes translated as “Fornication”, sex outside of marriage.

Have you ever used the name of God in Vain?
Those before them also devised many a blasphemy, but God took their structures from their foundations, and the wrath befell them without them perceiving from whence it came.” – Bee 16:26
God will not hold him guiltless that takes His name in vain.

If you’re like me, you’ve broken every one of these, and these are only six of the 10 Commandments. The Bible says that we have stored up wrath for ourselves on the Day of Judgment. The Koran is nearly identical, “On the day when heat will be produced out of the fire of Hell, and it will brand your forehead, your flanks, and your back, 'This is the treasure which you stored for yourselves: you then taste the treasure you amassed!'" – Immunity 9:35

There is a minor difference in the Hell of the Bible and the Hell of the Koran. In the Bible it says that we will beg for a drop of water, but none will come. The Koran says that we will have an overabundance of water, albeit it will be superheated past boiling and we will be forced to drink it, and it will wreak havoc on our insides. Either way, Hell is not somewhere I want to go, nor do I want you to go there.

There is a way to be saved from this punishment we have earned, it is the Injeel which according to the Koran was given to the prophet Jesus. Injeel means, “Good News”, and avoiding such a terrible place as Hell is definitely good news.

Some think that the good news is that we can work our way out of Hell. Both the Koran and the Bible refer to God as a just judge, so lets see how an earthly judge might relate. Imagine you stand before a judge, there are six clear evidences of your guilt, and the judge puts on you a fine that you cannot possibly pay. You offer the judge your good works, you’ve given to charity, you pray unceasingly, you are nice to people, you ask for forgiveness daily, you help little old ladies across the street, and to top it all off, you washed the judges car on the way in to court. The judge tells you, you should do good things, but you've broken the law; he cannot let you go, because despite all of the good you’ve done, justice is due. You cry out in repentance and sorrow, and the judge tells you it’s good that you’re sorry, but there is a fine to be paid, and if you cannot pay it, you will be thrown into prison.

This is the earthly judge, how much more Holy and Just is the Judge of the Universe? Payment is due for your transgression, and the Bible and the Koran clearly state that the fine is the eternal fire of Hell.

But here is the good news, God gave us the gift of a holy son (Maryam 19:19), born of the virgin Maryam, this son’s name was Jesus, and because he was holy, He lived a perfect unblemished life, he was tempted but didn’t sin; in the writing of Moses about the Passover Lamb, the lamb must be without blemish, a male, taken from amongst its brethren (Exodus 12:5). Another name for Jesus is the Lamb of God (Revelation 5:12). Jesus was offered as the sinless sacrifice to take away the sins of the world (Johannes 1:29). Jesus was hung on the cross outside of Jerusalem on Calvary hill, a hill not two miles from where Ibrahim offered his son as a sacrifice 1700 years prior. Jesus died in our stead, he paid our fine in his own life’s blood. The wrath of God was poured out upon him and it pleased God to crush him. Jesus faced the wrath of God so we wouldn’t have to; in an infinite showing of love God sacrificed Jesus so that we can be forgiven, he was the propitiation for our sins.

Jesus said that, "Blessed are the pure at heart, for they shall see God (Mathias 5:8)." The Koran says that our sins are a stain on the heart, (Al-Mutaffifin 83:14); Maryam 19:60 says that if you’ll repent and believe, then you will see Heaven. Mohammed was quoting the prophet Jesus who said, "Repent and believe the Gospel, for the Kingdom of God is at hand" (Mark 1:15), in other words, repent and believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the atonement for your sins. Once you have done this, your sins will be forgiven, your stained heart will be replaced with a new heart (Ezekiel 11:19), and you will be born again into the family of God.

If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. – 2 Corinthians 5:17

Friday, July 20, 2007

Awakening those Dead in their Transgression

Turn to Acts Chapter 12, It’s the year 44 AD, just before Passover, lets go to Herod’s prison, Herod the king has stretched out his hands against the church and sees that the unrepentant Jews were pleased with the persecution of the Christians. Herod’s men apprehend Peter and throw him into prison, heavily guarded with two guards chained to him.

Now Peter has a pretty good memory, especially since 11 years prior in his final conversation with Christ, Peter was promised that he would be a martyr, but not until old age; and as he sat in Herod’s prison, Peter was confident he would see another day.

This is faith; because while it’s been a while since the great persecution by Saul of Tarsus, who had Stephen stoned to death, just days prior James the Lesser was killed by the sword by the same men that now held Peter.

I especially like the book of Acts because before I became a Christian, I was a great lover of world history; I abhor soap-opera’s, and I try to avoid unnecessary drama in my own life, but when it comes to gossip in history, for some reason I can’t get enough. James dying by the sword reminds me of another person who died by the sword which is pertinent to this sermon.

In the early 1500’s a young English woman by the name of Anne Boleyn was living one of histories greatest soap-opera’s, her first marriage arrangement fell through as she, at the age of 15, cheated on her fiancé; this affair was quickly stopped, not by her fiancé, but by the King of England, Henry VIII, who saw not only a pretty young woman, but a political opportunity in wedding a person with ties to French nobility. But Henry was married already; so whilst he sought an annulment with Catherine, Anne had another affair, this time with a married poet. During this time we are fairly certain that Anne avoided Henry’s sexual advances, perhaps maybe because she saw the merits in Reformed Christianity, but based on her actions over the next eight years, it is hard to say she was a Christian. In a great battle with the Pope, Henry finally was able to divorce Catherine on a few technicalities, quite convenient because Anne became pregnant shortly before the divorce, and Henry married Anne, the two marriages overlapped by three months. Following the marriage of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII, Anne gave birth to Elizabeth I, the future Queen of England. As the years passed, desperate for a male heir, Henry ceased to ignore Anne’s incessant infidelity; and six men were brought to trial, including Anne’s own brother, on charges of adultery and incest. One man was released, while the other five where given merciful executions via beheading under the axe.

Anne was found guilty as well, and with one of her last rights as Queen, requested an expert swordsman from France conduct the beheading. Kneeling over the execution block Anne was heard to say, “Oh Lord have mercy on my soul, to God I commend my soul, to Christ I commend my soul, Lord Jesus receive my soul.” And the swordsman unsheathed his sword, Anne had commented days earlier that the executioner would have it easy, saying, “I have a little neck.” The executioner, in order to prevent Anne anticipating the blow, asked “Now where is my sword?” as the execution commenced; Anne was correct in her little neck statement, it only took one stroke and it was over.

I tell this story in order to lead into Peter in captivity; ever faithful in Christ that he would see old age, verse six tells us on the very night Peter was taken, he was sound asleep, not fearing Herod or his men. Since the moment Peter was arrested, prayer began, and went unceasing, and God sent an angel who visited Peter in prison. The angel shined light on Peter but we see that Peter was so fast asleep that it didn’t awaken him, and the angel had to hit Peter to wake him up. As Peter became awake and saw the light and the angel, his chains fell off, the doors of the prison were opened, and following the angel, Peter was made free.

The stories of Peter and Anne are related in being unaware of captivity to the law; but I’m going to use each to shine some light on the Gospel. Peter was fast asleep in his captivity, just as Paul tells us in Ephesians that we were once dead in our transgressions, but are now made alive in Christ. Before the light could be seen by Peter, the angel had to smite him to wake him up; this is symbolic of telling the sinner about the Law so that they can see the light.

I find it very unlikely that anyone ever opened up the 10 Commandments to Anne Boleyn and preached to her about #7, Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery; nor showed her the exceeding sinfulness of infidelity. Jesus preached in the Sermon on the Mount that “Whosoever looks upon someone to lust after them has committed adultery already with them in their heart.” Or showed her in Revelation where it says that the sexually immoral will have their place in the lake of fire, or in First Corinthians where fornicators are cut off from the inheritance of Christ and of God. No one related to her how wrathful and jealous God became when Israel played the Harlot. It’s a good thing Anne didn’t have access to the internet, lest she multiply her whoredom even farther. In Anne’s final speech she told her subjects that under the [English] law she was guilty and condemned to die, that if any should meddle in her affairs afterwards they should always think the best of her. This speech proved that no-one had ever told her that Godly sorrow leads to repentance, nor that God resists the proud, and especially that there is none good but God.

Despite all of these transgressions against a single commandment, Anne knew that where sin increased, grace abounds all the more, and that Jesus Christ became the propitiation for her sins on the Cross at Calvary, she called out to the Father and the Son to receive her spirit, but her unrepentant heart stood between her and forgiveness; she knew she had transgressed the worldly law, and her horizontal sorrow can be an example to us when Paul said there is a godly repentance the leads to life and a worldly grief which leads to death. Having studied Anne Boleyn’s departing prayers, I hope and pray that she was convicted of her sin against God while kneeling on the execution block, that she awoke to recognize the light that is the Gospel and was set free from her sin; but I’ll have to wait until I get to Heaven before I know her final fate.

Today we are at the hands of an executioner, the universal statistic is that 10 out of 10 die, James reminds us that life is but a vapor which exists for a moment then vanishes, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, we could hear, “Now where is my sword?” at any moment. God could grow weary of our harlotry and unfaithfulness at any moment; make sure you’re in good standing with Him, don’t step out of this world without Christ, flee to God in godly sorrow, and repent of your sins against Him; our Lord Jesus Christ has paid your fine on the Cross, put your trust in Him to receive your soul.

God will hear you and you will be forgiven; you will be set free just as Peter was from Herod's prison.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Doctrine of Slavery

Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. – 1 John 2:18

A favorite scapegoat of the unbeliever is, “Why does the Bible condone slavery?!” followed by, “It says to give your slave a day off!”

I have prayed long and hard on this doctrine, knowing that the Bible is the inerrant, infallible, inspired, timeless word of God. The best I got from apologetics was that the slavery the Bible spoke of wasn’t the slavery of the 18th and 19th centuries. I don’t like squishy theology, and that was a squishy answer. The slavery of the 18th and 19th centuries may be argued to be crueler than Biblical slavery, but it undeniably fulfills the definition of slavery. Slavery is defined as a person being the property of another; contained within the term is hard undesirable work for no pay, garnishing the minimum necessities for life. I’m reminded of a quote describing slave-ownership by a particularly raunchy television show, “Him? He’s just a young foreigner who works for us in exchange for room and board.”

A favorite brainwashing technique of the Devil is that of this-then-that; in other words, if this is true, that is true. We have been massaged and manipulated by the despicable slavery accurately portrayed in the movie/book “Roots”, in which one ethnic group is oppressed and treated horrendously. The fallacy leads us to believe that if what happened to Kunta Kinte is bad(and it was), then all slavery is bad.

I assure you this is none more than a fallacy, and I will give you the example to prove it. The Bible says that we don’t need to sell our soul to the Devil, but rather we have lost our eternal security through transgression, freely given our soul away, that we are bound in the captivity of the Devil (2 Tim 2:26). We have become the property of the Devil through transgression of God’s laws. There are those Christians, including me, who claim to be Born Again, Blood Bought, Children of God.

If we were the captives of the Devil, and a price was due for our salvation, that price being an atoning death, then the following Bible verses show us how Christians have been purchased:

…the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.” – Acts 20:28
You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.” – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men.” – 1 Corinthians 7:23

In the theology realm, we are either under the ownership of the Devil, or the ownership of Christ, there is no middle-ground, and hence in philosophy, we should see the same thing.

Gone is the day when there was an actual deed of ownership written for our person. We live in the false security that we are our own keeper, that we are free to roam, careless of the watchful eye of our owners, and welcome to make any choice we feel compelled to make.

The slave-owner has been replaced by the Bank, by the Employer, and by the Bill-Collector. We have sold ourselves into slavery through debt and the pursuit of property. One difference today is that we are separated from our masters; the plantation owner is content now to let us make him money from afar; I am in the employ of Wachovia, having promised for a sum of money for room, to pay them 200% the original loan value over the next 30-years. What has changed is the transferability of my ownership; I could easily tomorrow arrange to be sold to Chase Manhattan or to Bank of America or to Wells Fargo; but my station would not change; I would still be indebted and working for a money-hungry indifferent master.

Our employment is another master, demanding the majority of our time for its purposes; and just as the Bible tells to give slaves time off, so must our employer give time off in order to maintain output efficiency and be compliant with labor laws.

We like to think we are free, but in the infamous words of a beautiful song, “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.” To be free of our debtors, free from our employers is to own nothing and have nothing.

Just as in the age of the Apostles, slavery is condoned in the Bible because slavery guarantees employment, productivity, room, and board. Once we realize that while we are not slaves to the tobacco plantations of South Carolina, we are owned by Capitalism; the laws and recommendations made in the Bible for slave treatment are as timeless and relevant today as they have ever been; no jot or tittle shall fall away from the law till this Heaven and Earth have passed.

This is a tremendous blow to the apologetics whom credit the great Christian William Wilberforce with abolishing slavery in England, and who give credit to Abraham Lincoln for the Emancipation Proclamation. These men should be credited for their attempts to show that all men are created equal, not that they abolished one form of slavery in order to usher in a new type.

Therefore avoid these false gospels of freedom for all men, recognize the antichristian doctrines of antislavery, and hold fast to your owner, God Almighty, and seek that His payment on Calvary might purchase a few more souls before the end.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

In the Garden of Eden

In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth and the fish and the foul and all the animals and man, and placed man in the Garden. And it was good. When God says something is good, He means it is perfect.

Then along came Eve, who was not the first to sin (Lucifer was the first), but she was the first to sin on Earth. She committed many sins that day along with Adam.

First, she doubted God's word, she did not believe, "I will surely die", she broke the most important Commandment which says to Love God with all your heart mind and soul. Then she sought to be a god by eating the fruit, which meant she coveted power. Then she ate of the forbidden tree, which broke the commandment, "Don't eat from that tree".

Then Adam and Eve hid their shame through their own handiwork, they sewed itchy fig leaves together and covered themselves and hid from God. This created a god to suit themselves, they knew God was sovereign and omniscient, but they thought they could hide from Him, it was a great insult. Then God asked (with great sarcasm in His voice), Where are you? And they said they were afraid because they were naked. This was a lie, they were afraid because they had transgressed God's command. Finally, God asked Adam if he had eaten of the tree, and Adam blamed Eve. In attempting to justify himself, Adam insulted (blasphemed) God's sovereignty.

So in the Garden, which heresofar had been "good" (aka perfect), Adam and Eve broke the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 9th, and 10th commandment.

God KILLED an animal (probably a lamb or sheep) and covered Adam and Eve's shame. This death marked the fall from perfection, and death has run rampant on earth ever since. We live in a fallen creation, all because of sin.

So if you have any sin, any at all, then you will not be allowed into Heaven, because the wages of sin is death. Heaven will be Paradise, but if sin is allowed to enter, then Heaven will be as fallen as Earth, and it won’t be Heaven or Paradise.

There are three words that describe our fate.

Justice – When we get what we deserve. Sin should result in instant death, but God is long-suffering and merciful. I deserve Hell, you deserve Hell, we all deserve Hell. God will be glorified in this as perfectly just judgment.
Mercy – When we don’t get what we deserve. Currently we are living on Earth still wearing our itchy fig leaf covering. God is glorified in His longsuffering.
Grace – When we get what we don’t deserve. Jesus lived a perfect life and faced a sinners judgment so that we can live a sinners life and face a righteous judgment. All because He loves us and He will get all the glory for being a kind and benevolent God.

So I beg of you, shed your façade of fig leaf and put on the Lamb, lest justice befall you.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Biblomorphism Article 7 - Heresy

Bible Verse - Matthew 7:15-16
Species - Ostrich

In research for this article, I came across a complete article on this very topic. I had originally planned to title this article, "False Conversion", but the Aberdeen Bestiary written in 1200 A.D. labeled its article "Heresy". Often in order to be a heretic, you must have had a false conversion; and thus I changed my article title to reflect as such.

See "Of the Ostrich": (Especially page 2)
Page One
Page Two
Page Three
It goes through page 7,
but the point is made by page three.
Page Four
Page Five
Page Six
Page Seven

If your Christian counterparts seem free from sin, swifter to seek after Godly things, and posessing a lighter heart, please ensure you have repented and placed your trust in Christ, you will know you have been forgiven, your new heart will be light and like the Butterfly in article 6, you will be loosed from the bondage of the Law.

Biblomorphism Article 6 – Transfiguration

Bible Verse – Philippians 3:20-21
Species – Butterfly

When the Apostle Paul chose the word, “Metamorph” (2 Corinthians 3:18) to describe the event of transfiguration in the Christian’s life, he undoubtedly was aware of the change which occurs in a caterpillars life when it becomes a butterfly.

The caterpillar is a gross little creature confined by gravity to a life of boredom and tedious munching of leaves; it is almost entirely unworthy of interest and love. However, the caterpillar accepts the lot it has been given, and seeks after no more.

Until one day, through a process not understood by the caterpillar, it enters into a cocoon and a change begins inside and out of the caterpillar. Through no workings of the caterpillar, one orchestrated entirely by God, the caterpillar emerges from its cocoon, not as an unbecoming caterpillar, but as a beautiful butterfly.

The butterfly has very little to do with its old self. It is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. The butterfly has been loosed from the law of gravity, it is beautiful, gracefilled, and awe-inspiring.

When considering the use of Paul’s description of radical and complete changes in the Christian’s life, coupled with the undeniable glory exhibited by the transfiguration of the butterfly, the theology of regeneration matches with the philosophy in the metamorphosis of the butterfly.

If you are still a caterpillar, the cocoon is a terrifying proposition of change, the Bible goes so far as calling it, “Dying to yourself”, I am tempted to say the cocoon looks like a death shroud for a reason. This is an easy thing to describe; but the hardest thing you will ever do. When you die to yourself, God promises you a new heart (Ezekiel 11:9), you will be reborn into the family of God (John 3:3), and you will be allowed to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5). You will emerge from your cocoon and be a transfigured butterfly (2 Corinthians 3:18), bearing upon you the image of God’s glory (Galatians 6:17).

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Biblomorphism Article 5 – Total Depravity

Bible Verse – Psalm 14:3
Species – Great White Shark

In the History of the world, there have been some truly heinous acts committed.

In the name of God, men crucified Christ
In the name of Christ, men made the streets of Jerusalem flow blood
In the name of Allah, men flew airplanes into buildings
In the name of Buddha, men murder those who deny him
In the name of Kings, men oppressed nations
In the name of Queens, men allowed nations to starve
In the name of Evolution, men proclaimed the master race and murdered six million men women and children
In the name of Socialism, men in charge of the Soviet Union documented over 100-million murders
In the name of Atheism, men have murdered clergymen
In the name of Money, men murder in cold blood
In the name of Drugs, men sell daughters into slavery
In the name of Land, men killed millions of Native Americans
In the name of Gold, men wiped out whole people groups
In the name of Princesses, men have gone to war
In the name of Women, men have taken high-powered rifles into clock towers
In the name of Peace, men dropped nuclear weapons
In the name of Babies, men bombed abortion clinics
In the name of Tolerance, men ignore gross sexual acts
In the name of Sex, men allow 1 in 4 dead from the AIDS virus to be babies
In the name of Entertainment, sex has become the nations official religion
In the name of Choice, men have murdered fifty million human beings

There is one common theme through all this. There is no limit to the deceitfulness of the human heart; just when we expected that nothing could top atheistic communism, we find a terrorist group which trains its children that strapping a bomb to their little bodies and running into a marketplace is their highest and best usefulness.

Total depravity, in brief, is the doctrine that no matter how hard we try, we fall short of the glory of God; even when our motives are for good.

The animal created to show the total depravity of man is the Great White Shark, which is often referred to as a killing machine. This animal is terrifying, they are never mentioned in a positive light. This animal kills without discernment. The reason I believe this animal is the embodiment of total depravity is because when it is anthropomorphized, we see it as simply trying to survive. All of creation worships God (Psalm 148), and just as our human condition, so is the entire world post-fall. When that shark attempts to eat a seal to survive, and that seal ends up being a surfer, the motives of the shark become deadly to an image of the Living God. Simply in existing, the shark is deadly and dangerous and manifests death no matter its motives.

Such are we, despite our greatest attempt to worship God and glorify Him, we fall desperately short, and through the actions of mankind, evil is manifest. God has offered salvation despite this, and is the only One capable of correcting the total depravity of the soul.

For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. - 2 Corinthians 5:21

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Remembering Staff Sergeant Marion Flint

I had intended to write this and post it by May 27th, but between the Washington trip, and the devastating week we’ve had in Dixie, I did not have the opportunity to reflect on his life within that time-frame. Having missed the one-year anniversary, I resolved to simply remember SSgt. Flint on my own. As it has been more than a week, I’ve had much time to remember this young man and I didn’t feel I was doing him justice without posting something.

This is my humble remembrance of a great American.

I had just moved to the Atlanta area, and was riding with a Honda club. They never rode, and when they did ride, it was for pleasure and through their archives I could not find a single time they had participated in a charity ride or ride for any purpose. Needless to say, I wasn’t particularly happy with them. One day, someone posted a message that said, “Have any of you ever ridden with the Patriot Guard?” That day was May 25th, 2006, at 10:02 in the evening.

I read the PGR’s mission statement, signed up, and went back to the Honda club just long enough to say, “See you guys later.” At the top of the confirmed mission column was Staff Sgt. Marion Flint Jr., 29, of Baltimore, Md. / Athens, GA. I had to be there, it was something I couldn’t miss.

In writing this, I realize that I know very little about Marion. I know he was married and had a son and a daughter. He was and will always be his little sister’s hero. His big sister looked up to him. His entire family loved this man so much, his character and strength pours out of their words. His soldiers trusted him and loved him, and he returned the love and care.

His nickname was Bugg, but I’ve never found out why, some called him Jay, and still others called him Big Flint.

I can recall instantly the names of at least 31 men and women from Georgia and surrounding states who have paid the ultimate price for the continued freedom and security of this nation; but none of those names have so much impact on me as the name Marion Flint. I spent Memorial Day this year honoring Pfc. Travis Haslip of Chattanooga, through the whole day, Marion Flint was remembered by me, and his family held the top position, directly after the family of Pfc. Haslip, on my prayer list. For the past year I have wondered why Marion Flint’s mission has been so much more emotional and personal for me, and on Memorial Day, I got my answer. Until May 27th, 2006, I had heard of soldiers dying in far off lands, but the closest it ever came was Pfc. Lori Piestewa from near my hometown, but I did not know the necessity nor the danger that they placed themselves in, nor for what.

Being in the Air Force, I will have to give an account to God for hundreds of lives I have directly taken, at least fifteen of them were noncombatants. My job was protecting soldiers on the ground, and I just couldn’t understand why, for all of our infinitely advanced equipment, soldiers were still dying.

When I took a life, it was from 550 miles away, I did not realize the extreme danger on the ground. When SSgt. Flint was killed, I began to look into the desperately evil and malicious methods which were and are being used by our terrorist enemies. It was until this moment that I genuinely thought we were fighting to give the Iraqi’s a free country; now I know that we are fighting terrorism because if we don’t, these purpose driven, hatefilled extremists will be free to wreak havoc on the entire world like they do on South West Asia. One year later, on Memorial Day, 2007, I realized that I owe so much to Marion Flint because he died in place of the free world; he fought and died so that I could live. I believe this epiphany is only second to the moment I realized why Jesus Christ had to die to redeem the world.

There is a poem which says, (bad theology aside)

Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you:
Jesus Christ and the American Serviceman
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom.

At the moment that I realized the true implications of this poem, I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Of the thousands of servicemen that have gone before me, I appreciate them all, but SSgt. Marion Flint will forever be the face of those men that paid the ultimate price for this beautiful country we live in.

Since May 27th, 2006, I have had the opportunity to visit Marion’s gravesite once, in October. Once again we will be in Athens to remember a fallen soldier, this young heroes name is Sgt. Shawn Dressler, and once again I hope to be able to pay my respects in person to the number one person I love whom I have never met.

Godspeed SSgt. Flint, Godspeed.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Global Warming

In the History of mankind, men have wished to become gods.

It happened as early as the first days after creation. Adam and Eve believed that they would become as God if they ate of the forbidden tree. Instead they fell to ruin, becoming as ungodlike as possible.

4,400-4,200 years ago, men decided they could not become God, but that they could attain Heaven without God, and they tried to build for themselves a tower to Heaven, which, like all other things mankind has attempted without the Blessing of God, failed miserably.

In the 19th century, man believed they had finally outsmarted God and came up with a pseudoscience to write God out of His-story. When that almost caught on, like a flash in a pan, mankind instantly seized the belief that while they were not godlike by any means, they were still the closest to omniscience and omnipotence of any other organism.

As the decent of species fades into the archives of the fantastic, man needs to find a new way to believe himself powerful in his world.

How better to do that then to believe we have the capacity to destroy the earth? We originally thought it would be two people launching a nuclear missile and the retaliation would kill everything on Earth. But that doesn’t unite us against a common foe, that leaves us terrified that a mentally unstable duo could murder multi-Billions of people.

The Antichrist will come and unite the world through flattery, not through war. I really had a hard time understanding how he could do that until this report on global warming was released. It is a global initiative, focused on the emotions of people after a century of massaging people with “Earth-Day” and “Save the Whales” agenda, so that they’ll believe that the Earth is the most important thing in their lives. Now that it’s in danger (If it is indeed in danger), everyone should drop their differences, unite under one flag, and do everything we possibly can to save the planet we have so thoroughly damaged.

It is a plan that could only be orchestrated in the depths of Hell.

Despite widespread dissention, conflicting reports, and fallible science concerning Global-Warming, the majority of people believe that mankind is so powerful as to be able to destroy our own habitat, and thus will err on the side of belief in the warming trend. As for myself, I have a hard time believing that a meteorologist or other scientist has the ability to accurately predict weather in 100 years when they can’t predict weather accurately next week. Besides this, snow in Atlanta, record ice-storms, an ice-age 4,400 years ago, all leads me to believe that the Earth is either maintaining her own climate through an ingeniously prewritten program, or this warming trend has very little to do with modern aerosols and ozone producing processes.

I am of the opinion that this world is nothing to save anyways. It is 6,600 years post fall and the effects are astounding, death runs rampant, the majority of the world is Godless, 140,000 people stand in judgment before God each day. In the United States, 4,000 babies are killed daily, depression worsens year by year, suicide is a leading cause of death in teens; the world is not a happy place, and a major change will be good for it. Recently I read of the possibility of a nuclear air-burst over the United States. For those of you who do not understand electromagnetic pulses, in the ‘50s, Nuclear Tests destroyed multi-millions of dollars of electrical equipment in Hawaii, and that was before EVERYTHING had a computer in it. If a nuclear weapon explodes over the United States tomorrow, refrigerators will fail, cars won’t start, computers won’t boot, heatering and air conditioning will shut down. Of 300,000,000 American’s, how many can we expect to survive an EM Pulse? 50,000? 150,000? Maybe 1%, if we’re fortunate; the majority of our country can’t farm, can’t hunt, can’t cook, doesn’t know how to cut firewood. But can you imagine how many American’s know how to hold a gun in some-ones face who does and demand their food? How likely is a blast of this magnitude? Is it less pressing than an impending energy crisis? This should be our primary concern, not some extradistant pseudometeorological contested science.

Global Warming and a Persian based nuclear air-burst are exact opposites on the threat spectrum. Global Warming says it’s our collective fault, EMP says it is the fault of a select few. Both have the ability to kill multi-Millions of people. Global Warming unites, saying we’re all in it together; a defined enemy divides, saying that the differences in world-view and ideals are what is wrong with the world today.

The perceived threat of Global Warming, in its 100 year preparation, has caught our attention and stolen our focus from immediate issues; possibly and probably opening the door to mass corruption, mass war, and mass death. But in reality, the important thing to consider is that whether we die by weather or terrorism, everyone dies, and everyone will stand before the judgment seat of God.

In that moment the book of our consciences will be opened, God will see all of the occurrences where we thought we were better than Him in righteousness and power, promoting ourselves to our own personal god, and the damage we caused to our fellow man in the process will be known. God will show you each individual lie you have spoken and its infinite ramifications it had on the health of your fellow human beings and on the planet, the price of each thing that was taken without payment will be exacted on your soul, every lustful glance will be remembered and every blasphemous and hateful statement will reverberate through the courtroom. Your head will hang in shame and your knees will quake. In defense, you will attempt to offer your activism to save the planet, and God will remind you of your corruption and ignoring of the realized plight of those around you. Death comes to all men, judgment will follow. As the book of your conscience is closed, the book of life will be opened, and finding not your name in this book, God will cast your soul into the Lake of Fire, where the fire is never quenched, and you will plead for a drop of water, but none will come.

This scene is yet to be written, it is possible to escape this sentencing. God has already seen the book of your conscience and knows that justice demands that you spend eternity in Hell. God, in infinite love, has offered us a way to escape this punishment so richly deserved. In a plan devised before time, God became manifest on this destroyed and desolate Earth, born of a Virgin, where He lived the life of the Man, Jesus Christ, sinless in every way, tempted but not succumbing, God offered Himself up as the payment for the sin of the world and was hung on a Cross in our stead, He was beaten and tortured so harshly that most subjected to His sentence rarely survived to the crucifixion. Yet God bore this punishment that you had amassed so that you would not be subjected to the same. As Jesus died, the sky went black, the Earth trembled, and men believed. As the prophecy foretold, in three days Jesus rose from the grave, defeating death and Hell, and with Him He delivered souls to everlasting life and Heaven.

This gift of life is free to those who would seek it and accept it. God demands that mankind repent of their sins, that is, to stop sinning, apologize for past, present, and future transgressions, and do their best to live a righteous life, and God demands that you put your full faith in Jesus Christ to save you from the Wrath to come. Jesus Christ will save you from Wrath, like a parachute will save you from gravity; but in order to be saved by that parachute, you must put it on, and have the faith to use it. In order to be saved by Christ, you must let God attribute Jesus’ righteousness to you, and have faith in His saving graces.

Once you have repented and put your trust in Jesus Christ, God will create a new heart in you, your name will be written in the book of life, and the gates of Heaven will be opened to you. This will happen for all those who have received the atonement of Jesus Christ, not because they deserved life, but because they deserved death and were forgiven by God.

Global Warming, whether real or not, is a ploy developed by the devil in order to distract you from your impending judgment, and I plead with you to ascertain the salvation of your soul before you’ll worry about the physical health of the planet.

The Dying Religion of Evolution

Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis has opened his Creation Museum. This has been a long time coming and I am glad to see it opened. I hope the crowds never grow small, but I will save my visit until the initial rush subsides.

Religious leaders and followers alike of the religion of Evolution have become outraged at Ham’s sensical interpretation of science. It takes so much blind faith today to believe in the ridiculousness of evolution, so I’d like to put my major thoughts into one post.

Religion – Evolution/Naturalism
Religious Text – Origin of Species, 1859
Founders – Empedocles, Charles Darwin
Deity – Father Time
High Priest – Richard “Dinky” Dawkins
Notable Followers – Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Dylan Klebold, Seung-Hui Cho
Requirements to be a Believer – Blind Faith, Hatred of God, Willingness to Ignore Scientific Facts
Indoctrination – Brainwashing, extensive lies, language of speculation, get ‘em while they’re young
Benefits – Delusion that there is no judgment to come, feeling like you’re at the top of the evolutionary ladder, believing yourself to be smart and the entire world to be stupid

Famous Quotes from Evolutionists -
- “Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it only because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable.” - Arthur Keith
- “I don’t believe it, prove it to me and I still won’t believe it.” – Douglas Adams
- "Tell a lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough and people will believe it." - Adolf Hitler
- “But it’s science!” – Lisa Simpson
- “Even if there were no actual evidence in favor of the Darwinian theory, we should still be justified in preferring it over all rival theories.” – Dinky Dawkins

Interpretive Challenges
- In the beginning there was nothing.
- That nothing became something.
- That something blew up and became everything.
- That everything intelligently ordered itself into what we have today.
- Newton’s 2nd Law says all things are getting worse; Evolution says some things are getting better.
- A complete lack of transitional fossils.
- The Human Eye, with 137 Million light sensitive cells.
- Irreducible Complexity.
- Hundreds of Dinosaurs recorded throughout human history.
- A huge energy spectrum which we conveniently forgot to evolve sensors for.
- A complete lack of vestigial organs.
- aBiogenesis is a universally agreed upon impossibility.
- Monkeys don’t have appendixes.

The basic definition of science is that it must be observable, measurable, and repeatable. Evolution is not science, it has never and will never be observed, it is not measurable and despite our greatest efforts, evolution has never been replicated.

"They will say...'all things are continuing as they were from the beginning.'" - 2 Peter 3:4

"Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called science." - 1 Timothy 6:20

You did not evolve from a monkey. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. It is appointed once for a man to die, and then the judgment. The religion of evolution will not be a viable excuse on Judgment Day.